fret science guitar

Two Simple Shapes UNLOCK the Pentatonic Scale EVERYWHERE - and make it MORE musical!

How to learn more from a great guitar solo

HOW TO VISUALIZE CHORDS & SCALES: A simple, step-by-step method

How to instantly turn 5 chords into 500 and never need a chord chart again

Memorize the fretboard: 3 reasons why, 3 mental models, and 4 effective exercises

Fret Science Channel Trailer

Demystifying Triads and CAGED: Unlock the fretboard and improvise freely

Unlock the fretboard with three notes per string: learn the 3nps system with 85% less memorization

A new, faster way to unlock the fretboard for improvisation

Learn ALL the Modes on Guitar in Just ONE Day with This EASY Method

Intervals: guitar's secret decoder ring

Demystifying the modes on guitar: it doesn't get any simpler than this

Easy Double-Stop Harmonies: From The Beatles to Nuno Bettencourt

This hack makes learning the modes on guitar RIDICULOUSLY easy

John Mayer Teaches His PENTATONIC EQUATOR Concept with fretLIVE Animations! (Guitar Lesson)

The FRETBOARD memorization HACK

Better than CAGED? Introducing the 3:2 System (the fastest way to learn your fretboard)

Why Barre Chords Are Tricky (Ft. Tim from Polyphia)


How to INSTANTLY visualize the FULL fretboard! (Guitar Lesson)

Learn The Fretboard - How To Memorize The Notes Of The Fretboard

The guitar fretboard MAP

Learn and memorize the notes on the guitar fretboard.

The Science behind frets 🔥